Alaska storm update.Storm lashes Alaskan shore, bringing severe coastal flooding and prompting evacuations

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Alaska storm update 



Alaska braces for powerful storm as Typhoon Merbok remnants approach.

  Sep 19,  · The remnants of a massive Pacific typhoon that battered a thousand-mile stretch of Western Alaska dissipated Sunday morning, with floodwaters dropping and communities . Sep 21,  · We'll post a situation update by mid morning on Sunday, Sept. 9/17/22 pm The storm is ongoing and residents are still taking shelter in many communities. . Sep 16,  · Alaska is bracing for dangerous weather as the remnants of Typhoon Merbok move toward the Bering Sea region. Forecasters predict that the storm, set to hit on Friday, .  

- Alaska storm update


A powerful storm is slamming Alaska storm update Alaska, with reports of major flooding, high winds and widespread damage in numerous coastal communities. Mike Dunleavy declared a disaster for the communities impacted by the storm Saturday morning. By Saturday evening, the state said alaska storm update had received no reports of injuries or deaths related to the storm. Alaskans described water flooding homes and roads. Wind tore off roofs. Houses floated off their foundations. Boats sank. The water has begun receding in many areas, alaska storm update further north, the peak of the storm surge is forecast to hit later Saturday night.

As levels drop, more damage will be revealed. Tribal Chief Edgar Tall said at least three houses had moved off their foundations. The video showed water flooding homes and wind tearing off roofs. In Golovin, Josephine Daniels said she and many other residents were forced from нажмите чтобы прочитать больше homes as waters rose Friday evening.

Then when we woke up, the water was covering some of the steps at the school — the alaska storm update is in alaska storm update center of the village downtown. Late Saturday morning, Daniels said the water had stopped rising.

More than 15 families had sought emergency shelter overnight. No injuries were reported locally, but a third of the village had lost power amid extensive damage. Источник статьи Newtok, part of the alaska storm update is flooded and dozens of people are staying at the school.

Joseph John, who works at the town store, said about nine or 10 houses had flooded, and the riverbank eroded between 10 and 20 feet overnight. Erosion has long threatened Newtok. For decades, the community has been laying plans and securing funds to relocate the entire village to more stable ground.

About a third of the community has relocated to Mertarvika new village site nine river miles upstream from Newtok. The rest of the community is expected to move there in the coming years as more homes are built.

He said that most communities in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta should see water begin to recede, but coastal communities can still expect to see high surf. But Ostman said people should be cautious even as high water recedes. Some places will experience ponding of deeper water, and sinkholes could form under water that appears to be shallow. University нажмите для деталей Alaska Fairbanks climatologist Rick Thoman said Saturday morning that reported damage from the storm was both widespread and intense.

Flooding on Front Street in Nome Saturday alaska storm update. Photo by S. Kinneen and shared with permission. A very angry sea in Nome this morning. Waves and storm surge are pushing into the community, including along Front Street. Water levels are expected to peak this читать статью. Early Saturday afternoon, the National Weather Service said the storm was continuing its trajectory up the western coast of Alaska, and the center of the storm was now above the Diomede Islands in the Bering Strait.

Ostman said this storm has been historic in Alaska because of how far north Typhoon Merbok developed. Brettschneider said the scale of the affected region is massive. And the storm slowed as it approached Alaska, alaska storm update the surges of trinity high school new hampshire it drove ashore.

This is a developing story. For the latest, visit AlaskaPublic. Thank you. Alaska Public Media is our partner station in Anchorage. KTOO collaborates with partners across the state to cover important news and to share stories with our audiences. People with disabilities, people who can't afford it and people alaska storm update don't want to abandon their pets are among the many who can't easily get up and leave before a hurricane.

Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Skip alaska storm update footer Share:. A massive storm battering Western Alaska brought floodwaters to the steps of the local school in Golovin on Saturday. Courtesy Josephine Daniels A powerful storm is slamming Western Alaska, with reports of major flooding, high winds and widespread damage in numerous coastal communities.

Subscribe Get notifications about alaska storm update related to the topics you care about. You can alaska storm update anytime. Breaking news. Alaska government. Southeast Alaska. Some don't evacuate, despite repeated hurricane warnings, because they can't September 30, People with disabilities, people who can't afford it and people who don't want to abandon their pets are among the many who can't easily get up and leave before a hurricane.

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Severe storm headed for Alaska could bring devastating levels of flooding | Alaska | The Guardian.


The Weather Service has issued warnings for high winds, flooding or both for those areas, as well as the community of Gambell on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea. To the south, in places like Nome, Unalakleet and down to Hooper Bay, there are less serious weather advisories in effect. State officials say assessment resources and local contractors are already on hand in communities that might be affected by the coming storm.

Torrence Saxe, said guardsmen and helicopters are pre-positioned at armories in Nome, Kotzebue and Utqiagvik. Mike Dunleavy urged residents in the region to prepare. Alaska Public Media is our partner station in Anchorage. KTOO collaborates with partners across the state to cover important news and to share stories with our audiences. People with disabilities, people who can't afford it and people who don't want to abandon their pets are among the many who can't easily get up and leave before a hurricane.

The storm eroded about feet of coastline, bringing the water that much closer to town. Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Share:. A forecast map shows the storm expected to hit Alaska on Wednesday. Wind gusts are expected as high as 70 mph in some locations by Thursday. Subscribe Get notifications about news related to the topics you care about.

You can unsubscribe anytime. Breaking news. Alaska government. Southeast Alaska. Some don't evacuate, despite repeated hurricane warnings, because they can't September 30, People with disabilities, people who can't afford it and people who don't want to abandon their pets are among the many who can't easily get up and leave before a hurricane.

Without them, residents feel exposed. September 29, The storm eroded about feet of coastline, bringing the water that much closer to town. Site notifications Update notification options. Subscribe to notifications. Cancel Subscribe.
